Ongoing Studies
Object Representation
We are interested in how people represent objects differently when they're tracking them physically (say, to grab them) vs. to recognize them visually. In particular, this project examines the early development of this difference.
Student Involvement:
Students are expected to work ~15 hours per week, and student involvement will include some combination of the following tasks:
Attend weekly lab meetings
Attend weekly one-on-one meeting (~30 minutes) with graduate student supervisor
Create weekly schedule to work on the research for 15 hours
Complete the behavioral experiment training to run studies with infants
Recruit infant participants, schedule studies, communicate with families
Run online behavioral experiment with infants
Code looking time data
Final presentation (~5 minutes) in lab meeting
Final research paper (min 10 pages), if taking research course for credit at Harvard.
Optional, analyze data using Python/Matlab/R
Optional, design video stimuli using Blender
Optional, literature review in relevant research topics
Students are encouraged to enroll in research for credits. There are no exams in taking this class. Grades will be based on completion of weekly research plan.
Mentorship Provided to Student:
Students will gain hands-on experience working on scientific research projects. Students will meet weekly with their grad student supervisor to receive detailed feedback on research progress, obtain tailored research training, and discuss relevant research papers within their areas of interest.
Additionally, they will attend weekly lab meetings to get immersive experience in academic laboratory environment. The lab meetings are held jointly between CoCoDev Ed (Bonawitz Lab) and CoCoDev Psych (Ullman Lab). Students will benefit from exposure to speakers from diverse backgrounds, spanning cognitive, developmental, and computational areas.
Students will be invited to present brief updates on their research progress in the final lab meeting, and receive direct feedback from experts and professors. This holistic mentorship approach is designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge to flourish in their research endeavors.
How to Apply?
Please send your resume, transcript, and a brief cover letter (explaning your skills and interests) to graduate student Yichen Li directly. Email:
Please direct any questions about the lab or the application process to our lab manager Jiayi Wang at